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VicTennis welcomes membership applications from anyone in the LGBTIQ+ community, including allies and supporters who want to play tennis in a fun, friendly and inclusive association.


From 1 March 2021:

  • Membership is required to participate in the Monday Weeknight Competition and is included in the fees for this competition.

  • Membership is not required to participate in any other VicTennis activities or events other than the Monday Weeknight Competition (including Sunday Social, tournaments and other social gatherings) unless stated otherwise.


VicTennis members have the right to nominate for a committee position and vote at the Annual General Meeting (to be held within 3months of the conclusion of the membership year). They can also participate in decisions about the association's activities and events (e.g. tournaments, competitions etc) and will receive key updates (e.g. Committee minutes, key decisions, notifications about upcoming events).


Membership runs in line with the financial year and costs $5 per year. Members joining on or after April 1 will receive the remainder of that year's membership and the following membership period (e.g. if signing up on April 1, 2023, membership will be until 30 June 2024).

To become a VicTennis member, read our Code of Conduct and the Terms and Conditions below. Please note, it is a requirement that members of VicTennis are residents of Victoria and have participated in VicTennis organised social hits, events and/or tournaments.

  1. I am bound by the GAY & LESBIAN TENNIS ASSOCIATION OF VICTORIA - VICTENNIS INC constitution, by-laws and policies, and all relevant Tennis Australia (TA) national policies (as developed and amended from time to time).

  2. The Association may reject my application for membership, accept my application but impose certain conditions or vary, suspend or cancel my membership during the membership term at its sole discretion.

  3. Membership fees are non-refundable (even if a membership is varied, suspended or cancelled) and my membership is not transferable.

  4. I play on the basis that my membership of VicTennis does not include any form of insurance cover, and I agree that VicTennis and its Committee members will not be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage suffered by me in respect of (a) the theft, damage or destruction of property, or (b) any personal injury.

  5. To finalise your application please complete the purchase below. If the VicTennis committee finds you are ineligible for membership we will be in contact via email.


Please note: Membership is included as part of participation in the Monday night competition. If you have played in either Monday competition in the membership year you are not required to purchase membership. Participation will entitle you to voting and nomination rights during the AGM held at the conclusion of the membership year.

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